Devilfish Caverns

Steampunk Brewing Company

“We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.”


What is Devilfish Caverns?

Devilfish Caverns Brewing Company is a fictional brewing company based on the book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. My research for this project included reading the novel from cover to cover. Feeling inspired by the book, I decided to create a whole brand of craft beer based on Jules Verne’s literary legacy. He is one of, if not the first author to pioneer the steampunk genre. That being the case, I decided to orient my brand heavily around steampunk themes like sci-fi Victorian era industrialism, fantastical contraptions, mechanical ingenuity, and vintage aesthetic.



  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe XD

  • Adobe InDesign

Logo Design

When designing the logo for this company, I wanted something that looked antique and industrial. I chose to use a typographic logo instead of an icon or symbol for this project because the sophisticated flourishes in the typeface make for an interesting yet serious logo.


Webpage Design

The website for Devilfish Caverns feels just as interactive as the bottles themselves. When you scroll through the website you’ll find even more 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea references as well as helpful information about brewery events, new flavor options, social media links, etc.

Beer Labels

This project required three separate beer labels to be created, each in a different flavor. The three labels I picked are thematically relevant to the books and include quotes and references in each design. Each bottle is hand-dipped in wax, which heightens the feeling of quality and provides a fun, tactile way to interact with the product.

Six-Pack Design

This project also required one six-pack carrier to be designed. In my design, I decided to replicate an old wooden crate to contain the beer bottles. The label appears to be actually glued to the side of the wooden crate and the words “Mobilis In Mobili” (Motion Within Motion,) which is a reference to the book, appear to be engraved into the side of the six-pack.

Billboard Design

Another deliverable in this project was a billboard advertisement that shares your product’s message with the world and also directs traffic to the product’s website.

Flat Labels

Finally, this is a collection of flat labels. You can take a closer look at the front and back of each individual beer label below, as well as the sides of the six-pack.


Zero Issue


Annual Report