Folio To Feature

Book Jackets

“You’re gonna need a bigger shelf…”


What is Folio to Feature?

Folio to Feature is a set of books all adapted from books into movies. The titles include famous movies like Jaws, Jurassic Park, and Stepford Wives. Our task was to create a cohesive and interesting design that can be used over the entire series of books.


  • Three Book Jackets

    • Jaws

    • Jurassic Park

    • Stepford Wives


  • Adobe InDesign

  • Adobe Photoshop

Book Jackets

Folio to Feature includes a whole list of books, all from different genres and themes. In order to keep the design unified, I decided to use the theme of children’s toys to represent the different themes in each book. This is a theme that could be carried throughout the whole series of books, each with extremely different stories.


Au courant

