Bright Mountain

Cooperative School Rebrand

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”


What is Bright Mountain?

Formerly Montclair Cooperative School, this hands-on school for pre-k to eighth-graders changed its name to Bright Mountain Cooperative School. For this name change, they requested design work for a logo, a business card, envelope, letterhead, viewbook, two brochures, and an online brand guide website.


  • Brand Logo

  • Stationery Package

    • Business Card

    • Letterhead

    • Envelope

    • Folder

  • Two Brochures

    • What Is A Co-Op?

    • Tuition & Financial Aid

  • Viewbook

  • Brand Guidelines Website


  • Adobe InDesign

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe XD

Brand Logo

Bright Mountain Cooperative School wanted a bright, fun, and energetic logo with lots of colors. I used the front of the school (and its iconic profile) in the logo with a bright sky and sun above.

Stationery Package

This stationery package includes a letterhead, business card, envelope, and a fully designed folder. The folder needed to be designed both inside and out and is meant to be given to prospective students.


These brochures are information packages for parents of potential students. They give information on tuition, financial aid, and general co-op information. The information in these brochures needs to be clear and concise.


The viewbook provides information to the parents of potential students. This information is more extensive than the brochures and goes into more detail about costs, schedules, etc.

Brand Guidelines Website

This website explains the guidelines to be used when designing for this particular brand. This information will be extremely helpful for future designers who work on projects for the brand.


Annual Report


Gig Poster